CIBA Digest

News from Central Illinois Unit 208

Editor:  Karen Walker, 2121 Lynwood Drive, Champaign  61821

                 (217) 359-0042

Illinois Senior Olympics 

   Wednesday, September 12 -- Springfield IL

A big 68.94% game earned Ray Russ and Pat Moos (left photos) the gold medal in the 2012 Illinois Senior Olympics Bridge Tournament.

Close behind with 68.45% were silver medalists Ron & Carole Sholes of Springfield (right).

This ninth annual contest drew 30 tables of players ages 50 and over. Congratulations to all the winners and runners-up: 

A1 - Ray Russ - Pat Moos

A2 - Ron & Carole Sholes

A3 - Marj Hanner - Jennie Sgro

A4 - Mary Allen - Marilyn Stickel

A5/B1/C1 - Richard & Linda Hahn

A6 - Leah Newell - Larry Wilcox

B2/C2 - Jane Crawford - Jane Greiser            

B3 - Julie Hubbard - Tim Cull

B4 - Sallie Boge - Ann Schuyler

B5 - Hank Hoffman - Darryl Bremner            

B6 - Robert Lenz - Jeff Ehrlich

C3 - Barbara Cantrell - Vilma Smith

C4 - John Benda - Mike Heneghan

C5 - Caroline Ray - Richard Brown

C6 - Dan Punzak - Gene Vernon

   Gold Medal winners within age groups:     


Leah Newell

Carole Sholes        

Mary Allen

Jennie Sgro

Jane Greiser

Phyllis Collins

Marj Hanner

Helen Glisson


Barry Badgett

Pat Moos

Richard Hahn

Ron Sholes

Hank Hoffman       

Ray Russ

New Unit Website:

Central Illinois Bridge Association (Unit 208) has launched a new website to provide information and updates for our 700+ members. The site provides tournament flyers, links to club web sites, Unit Board news and other helpful features.

Thanks to Unit President Carole Sholes and site designer Gene Wheeler for undertaking this project. Gene has also volunteered to serve as web master for the site.

Make it your one place for information about bridge in central Illinois!

  Mini--McKenney & Ace of Clubs Leaders  (through 9/6/2012)

Here are the year-to-date leaders from Central Illinois Unit 208 in the annual ACBL masterpoint races.



Ace of Clubs

Rookie  (0-5)

Debby Saunders, St. Augustine FL -- 17 pts.     

Debby Saunders, St. Augustine FL -- 16  pts.   

Jr. Master (5-20)

Aravind Alwan, Champaign -- 51

John Honegger, Peoria -- 21

Club Master (20-50)

Jane Grieser, Springfield -- 66

Jane Grieser, Springfield -- 31

Sectional Master (50-100)

Douglas Sutton, Springfield -- 65 Mary Stuart, Urbana -- 27

Regional Master (100-200) 

Cindy Moore, Bloomington -- 170 Sandra Stults, Springfield -- 69

NABC Master (200-300)

JoAnn Schroeder, Normal -- 102 JoAnn Schroeder, Normal -- 47

Life Master (300-500)

Charles Langley, Mechanicsburg -- 115  Shirley Logan, Springfield -- 65

Bronze LM  (500-1000)

Camilla Rabjohns, Peoria Hts -- 109

Charlie Morton, Bloomington -- 55

Silver LM  (1000-2500)

Roger Sokol, Minooka -- 222

Larry Wilcox, Springfield -- 93 

Gold LM  (2500-5000)

Hugh Williams, Carbondale -- 236  

Steve Babin, Normal -- 64

Diamond LM (5000-7500)

Jim Melville, Spriingfield -- 476

Mike Halvorsen, Champaign -- 26

Emerald LM (7500-10,000) Karen Walker, Champaign -- 209 Karen Walker, Champaign -- 6

Platinum LM  (10,000+)

Colby Vernay, Lacon - 422

Chris Benson, LeRoy -- 28

Visit the ACBL Unit Awards page to view lists of the top ten Unit 208 players in each category.

Club News

 Club Appreciation Month -- October 1-31

ACBL designates October as Club Appreciation Month and offers all clubs the opportunity to host "extra" club championships, with no added fees. Each sanctioned session can can host one pairs championship and one Swiss Team championship anytime during October. The games offer extra masterpoints (black points, 85 percent of sectional rating). Team games also pay 5-percent gold points. Ask your club manager for the dates of the games in your area. More information is also available from

 Silver Point Sectional-at-Clubs (STAC) -- Thursday through Wednesday, November 1-7

Loads of silver points will be available for a full week beginning October 31, when all clubs in District 8 can award sectional-rated silver points at all sessions. The event also offers District-wide overall awards, giving you the chance to win as many as 15 silver points in one session. See the District 8 Silverpoint Sectional website for updated results during and after STAC week. 

Movin' Up 

  Congratulations to these Unit members who recently advanced in rank:

New Junior Masters (5 pts.)                  
William Cahill, Danville
Dr. Marsha Woodbury, Urbana
Club Masters (20 pts.)
Alice Bulinski, Springfield
Glee Cumbow, Danville
Bill Murray, Springfield
Sectional Masters (50 pts.)
Michael Heneghan, Forsyth
Regional Masters (100 pts.)
Robert Lamb, Illiopolis
Carolyn Vanek, Springfield
NABC Masters (200 pts.)
Shirley Coville, Springfield
Sandra Stultz, Springfield
Advanced NABC Masters (300 pts.)
Lori Moore, Bloomington
Life Master 
Becky Groeninger, Springfield
Bronze Life Master  (500 pts.)
Ronald Greek, Galesburg
Silver Life Master  (1000 pts.)
Tom Shedlock, Danville
Gloria Trout, Dallas City
Gold Life Master  (2500 pts.)
Ronald Simmons, Peru
Emerald Life Master  (7500 pts.)
Mark Kessler, Springfield
And welcome to new members:
Kathy Cahill, Danville
Annette Fudemberg, St. Louis
Allison Gardner, Champaign
Kelly Maloney, Mahomet
Henry Truitt, Chillicothe
Donna Uhlenhop, Bloomington