District 8
November 2-8, 2009
Plan now to play in your local club the week of November 2 in District 8’s annual Sectional-Tournament-at-Clubs (STAC). All club games this week can award sectional silver points to winners and runners-up in three flights.
Masterpoint awards: The STAC event offers 12 different sessions -- a day and an evening session on each weekday, plus day-only sessions on Saturday and Sunday. In addition to the silver-point section awards at each site, each session will be scored across the District for overall awards.
Stratification: Open Pair games will have three strata — A: 1500+; B: 0-1500; and C: 0-500 (includes Life Masters with 300-500 masterpoints). Clubs can also run stratified novice pairs and victory-point team games.
Entry fees: Sanction fee is $6 per table, so expect to pay an extra $1.50 over your club’s regular entry fee. Proceeds help fund the Advocate newsletter, the District finals of the North American Pairs and Grand National Teams, and other District 8 activities.
Club managers: New this year is the requirement for you to pre-register for STAC sessions on the ACBL web site. Go to http://www.acbl.org/stac/Stac_Contact_info.php?tnum=0911006 and fill out the online form (click the "Add line" button to register multiple sessions). Detailed instructions are here. Deadline is October 26.
Online results: District-wide results from each session will be updated on the STAC website: http://mikesbridge.info/district_8_stac.htm
Game sites: Call your club manager for details on the STAC games in your area. If you have other questions, call or write the director or chairman.
Director: Mike Flader (651-895-9395 or 952-412-8959) jillandmike123@comcast.net
District 8 STAC chairman: Mike Tomlianovich (309-825-5823) mjtomlia@gmail.com