Unit 223 Reporter

News from Southern Illinois-Paducah Unit 223

Editor: Janet Jones, 100 Fairway Drive, Harrisburg IL 61946

(618-518-0341) janetjones51@gmai

Unit 223 Board Meeting -- April 9, 2024

The meeting was called to order by President, Kadie Davis. Board members in attendance were Bob Holdeman, Kadie Davis, Maxine Wynn, Tom Wynn, Janet Jones, Chuck Wiess, Donna Swick, Dan Hellrung and secretary Pam Ames, Jay Coleman was not in attendance.

The minutes from the June 24, 2023 meeting were approved by all with a motion by Tom Wynn and second by Dan Wellrung.

The treasurer’s report was approved by all after a motion Bob Holdeman and second by Janet Jones.

Donna talked about CD or money market to keep money invested in and it was decided the Money Market best place for now.

New member Chuck Wiess was welcomed to the board.

Old Business

Bob talked about the 2024 Regional to be in Collinsville in September.  Asked everyone to check out the flyer on line and print and post at your local cub.  Talk up the new location and help get a good attendance.  He will need help before each session.  Please let Bob know when you can be available to help.

Discussion of dissolving the Unit was tabled until after the 2024 Regional in Collinsville.

It was agreed the unit would continue pay the STAC fees for all Regular and Royal StAC games.

Kadie announced Donna Swick and Pam Ames was appointed to the District 8 Board.                                                                                                                                     

New Business

Kadie reminded everyone to hold board member elections between June 1 and June 15. Please let Kadie know who the area elected for the next TWO years. 

No further business was discussed so Janet Jones made motion to adjourn and Bob Holdeman second it.

Respectfully submitted,
    Pam Ames, Secretary


We hope you can join us at our annual regional tournament, now in a new location --  the Gateway Convention Center in Collinsville IL.

A full schedule is here.


Immanuel United Methodist Church
800 N. Main -- Edwardsville IL

 Thursday, June 27 -- 10:00 am & 2:30 pm
Single-session Stratified Pairs
Single-session 299er Pairs (if attendance warrants)

 Friday, June 28 – 10:00 & 2:30
Single-session Stratified Pairs
Single-session 299er Pairs (if attendance warrants)

 Saturday, June 29 – 10:00 am & TBA
Stratified Swiss Teams

Strats for all sessions:  0-750; 750-2000; 2000+
299er: 0-100; 100-200; 200-300

Entry fees: $12 per player per session Thurs/Fri
      Saturday Swiss Teams:  $100/team, pre-order lunch (see below).

   Players with 0-5 masterpoints play free in 299er Games.

Local tournament -- 80% silver, 20% black points -- and lower entry fees! 

Chairman: Gail Dare   geb888@yahoo.com  618 623-8886

More details are here.