Thank you to all who played in this online event and congratulations to the winners. The winning team in each flight qualified to represent District 8 in the national GNT finals in July in Providence RI. The second-place teams in Flights B and C are also eligible for the national finals.
Open Flight:
1 - James Melville - Suzanne Dunn - Joshua Stark - Will Engel - Charles Sheaff
Flight A (0-6000 masterpoints)
1 - Madhu Viswanathan - Kris Maillacheruvu - Charles Young - Rich
Pestien - Leonard Kaufman
2 - Clay Cuthbertson - Mike Giacaman - Debra Romero - Mark Zellmer
Flight B (0-2500 masterpoints)
1 - Diane Deutch - Ken
Deutch - Susan Eiger - Kenneth Eiger
2 - Peter Ashbrook - Gary Dell - Lisa Bienvenue - Tony Curtis
Flight C (non-Life Masters with 0-500 masterpoints)
1 - Robert Shoop - Vernon Knapp - Ryan Fu - Han-Mo Ou
2 - Charlotte Lehmann - Shrikant Jategaonkar - Mary Foushee -
James Meteer
A list of all masterpoint winners is here.