I would like to introduce myself as your new president. I am a member of Unit 208, Central Illinois, and have been active on my Unit and District 8 Boards for many years. I look forward to this leadership role with a dynamic group of directors as we strive to provide a great bridge experience for all of our members.
My first duty as the 2015 President of District 8 is to thank our past President Debbie Romero for her leadership the past two years. She did an excellent job guiding and working with the Board and representing our District. Thank you, Debbie.
Mike Carmen, Unit 143, is Vice-President of the Board and Rick Beye is now the District 8 Tournament Coordinator. Debbie Avery continues to serve as Secretary-Treasurer.
The Board of Directors (district8acbl.com/board.htm) is in the midst of updating our Bylaws and Standing Rules. They will be published on the District 8 website in August (www.district8acbl.com).
Congratulations to our Grand National Teams who will be heading to Chicago for the national finals in August. I wish them all good luck and success.
The North American Pairs club qualifying games start this month. Qualifying games will run in June, July and August. The District Finals have been scheduled for Sunday, November 8 in Champaign IL. Mark your calendars and get out and qualify at your local clubs this summer so we can all get together in November. National finals are in Reno, Nevada in March 2016.
It takes many, many volunteers to run the bridge-playing venues we all enjoy. Thank you to all who give of their time. District 8 is honored to have the ACBL Volunteer of the Year, our own Mike Carmen from St. Louis. Mike, as most know, has run sectionals, regionals and national tournaments, along with his involvement on the District 8 Board for many years.
Have a great summer. I hope to see many of you at our upcoming District regionals in Effingham IL, Crystal Lake IL, St. Louis MO and Fort Wayne IN. This issue includes links to schedules for all these tournaments.
If you have questions or suggestions about District 8 Board activities or other bridge matters, please contact me at martha@marthaleary.com .