News from Northwestern Illinois Unit 239 Editor: Roger Dieringer, 5 Lockman Circle, Elgin IL 60123
Pat Benedict was born and raised on a farm outside Watertown, Wisconsin. From there, Pat went on to the University of Wisconsin-Stout and earned a degree in secondary education. She also has a masters degree in reading from Northern Illinois University and has taken classes in journalism at the University of Indiana. With her degrees in education, Pat taught 38 years in the Rockford Public School System teaching reading, English and journalism at both the junior and senior high school levels.
Pat’s family includes a daughter who lives in Germany with her family and a son who lives in Lisle, Illinois with his family. Her grandchildren include three girls and one boy.
Pat started playing bridge during her teaching career, lost interest and quit for seventeen years. In 2005 Pat once again took up the calling and began playing bridge. Her regular partners include Yolanda Simmons, Clarence Willging, Ron Carey and Nancy Kublitz. Needing only .27 gold points, Pat became a Life Master at the Lake Geneva Regional in January of this year. Pat’s suggestion to other beginning bridge players is to try and earn your gold points when your point total is low.
Pat’s bridge career included one story involving playing with a stranger in a knockout event at a tournament. The partner wanted someone with not many points who could play two-over-one, and Pat fit the bill. Their team did well and made it to the finals. In a very odd game, Pat and her partner ended up bidding 6S even though their combined hand total was 22 high card points. Because of a very favorable card distribution, the bid was made resulting in a first-place finish. The partner’s comment on the whole affair was, “you couldn’t bid 5S but you could bid six!”
When Pat is not playing bridge, you might find her working in her large backyard flower garden during the warmer seasons. Pat also likes to read and travel to foreign places. She often travels to Germany to visit her daughter, and her favorite travel experiences included trips to Egypt, Tanzania and China. Pat is a regular bridge player at the Rockford Club and is a challenging opponent.
New Junior Master: Fran Frey, Rockford; Caroline Hendrickson, Elgin; Nancy Martin, Rockford; June Mutchler, Rockford. Rev. Brion Brooks, Oregon; Carol Delheimer, Rockford; Mary Fiala, Huntley; Jorcy Fik, Huntley; Doris Hicks, Roscoe; John Jensen, Cary; Ruth Roth, Rockford. Karen Girardy, Rockford; Kimberly Shaw, St. Charles; Paul Siegert, Geneva; Lynn St John, Rockford; Dr. David Vietti, Cary; Debra Allen, Rockford; Thomas Hecht, Geneva; Carol Johnson, St. Charles.
New Club Master: Janet Brandt, Elgin; Joan Morton, Loves Park; Robert Boyd, Rockford; Laurence Klemm. Sleepy Hollow; Janet Morgan, Elgin; Mary Ellen Trimberger, Aurora.
New Sectional Master: Barabra Ellington, Rockford; Judy Johnson, Rockford; Nancy Riley, Huntley; Robert Huffington, Rockford; Mary Jane Schindler, Rockford; Wanda Burgard, Cherry Valley; Harriet Furst, Freeport; Ned Furst, Freeport; Delores Gammon, Elgin; Karen Weedman, Rockford; Irene Crawford, Huntley; Janice Koerner, St. Charles.
New Regional Master: Gerald Gale, Rockford; Jo Maria Paul, Rockford; David Germaine, Huntley; Linda Murphy, Rockford; Barbara Nuckles, Machesney Park; Tom Prucher, St. Charles; Mary Snyder, Cherry Valley; Vicki Vietti, Cary.
New NABC Masters: Robert Kruger, McHenry, Michael Morrice, Crystal Lake; Yolanda Simmons, Rockford; Richard Gunderson, Earlville.
New Life Master: Patricia Benedict, Rockford.
New Bronze Life Master: Patricia Benedict, Rockford.
New Silver Life Master: Craig Bontjes, Rockford.
New Gold Life Master: Brij Kalra, Algonquin.
June 18 –24, 2012
Holiday Inn, Route 31 and Three Oaks Road, Crystal Lake IL
Entry fees: $12/session ($2.00 extra if non or unpaid ABCL members)
Host Hotel: Phone 815-477-7000. Reserve by June 4th for special rate ($73 standard double; $73 king when available)