News from Northwestern Illinois Unit 239 Editor: Roger Dieringer, 5 Lockman Circle, Elgin IL 60123
Janet Brandt grew up in Chicago and graduated from Schurz High School and has always lived in the Chicago Metropolitan area. After graduation, Janet started working as a beautician and began taking accounting courses at the College of DuPage. Upon completing her studies, Janet worked 25 years for Accounting Managements Services Company. Janet now works part-time as real estate agent with her home base in Elgin.
Janet has two sons, Paul and Michael, from her first marriage. Her second marriage to Ron 30 years ago resulted in Janet having four additional stepchildren. Janet and Ron now have 11 grand children and one great grandchild due next month. With the exception of Paul who resides in Florida, the rest of the Brandt clan lives in the immediate area, which, Janet said is a blessing.
Many years ago, Janet was active in her children’s school activities. One of these activates Janet was to head had no funding. So Janet decided, as a way of raising money, to organize a bridge club for the school parents. The club was very successful in funding the activity and 40 years later, Janet is still playing bridge with eight of the original members.
Janet tried duplicate bridge in her earlier years but found many of her opponents were rude and short tempered with her inexperienced play. So she basically stuck to party bridge with her circle of friends. Not too long ago, one of friends talked her into playing bridge at the Lake Geneva Regional. They didn’t do well, but the people were courteous and she enjoyed the experience. To become a better bridge duplicate player, Janet began playing online. Jan developed a relationship with an experienced player from Michigan who began walking her through the various bidding conventions.
In addition to playing online, Janet began reading books on the how-to of duplicate bridge. In the course of only a few years, Janet earned 400 points on-line. As of the Crystal Lake Regional in June 2013, Janet needed four gold points for the required total of 25. Playing a pair’s event with yours truly and a two-day morning Swiss team with Tara Mufich and Donna Cart, we earned a total of 10 gold points.
All that was left for Janet to become LM was a half silver point. Again in Crystal Lake, but this time in the September Sunday Swiss team section tournament, Janet and I teamed up with Lynn Van Paucke and Donnella Brossseau to earn the needed fractional silver point. Janet not only became a Life Master, but also had the 500 needed points to advance to a Bronze Life Master.
Janet suggests that we should play the game for its enjoyment and be tolerant of inexperienced players. Her side interests are quilting and doing puzzles. I personally have enjoyed having Janet as one of my partners and I’m sure she will continued to have success as a duplicate bridge player in years to come.
Jim Gunderson
Jim Gunderson, a new member of the Life Master’s club, grew up in northern Illinois and also spent some time in Florida. Upon graduation from high school, Jim attended Northern Illinois University and earned a B.S. degree in Meteorology. Retired now, Jim’s career involved a lot address changes as a manager of various J.C. Penney’s stores.
Jim’s family includes his wife, one son and daughter. Eric, his son, has two children, Charlie 8 and Mathew 5 and he and his wife reside in Springfield, Illinois. His daughter Ann and her husband live in Plainfield, Illinois and have one daughter Kristen for a total of three grandchildren.
As with many other bridge players I have interviewed, Jim started playing bridge a “long time ago” and used the Goren bidding system. In 2008 Jim began playing and learning bridge seriously. With the help of his friends Dave Booth, Ron Anderson, and partner Bob Lee, Jim learned the many contract conventions one can used in duplicate bridge. Jim’s home base is the Yorkville Bridge Club, which Jim has indicated has grown in membership and tables played.
At the regional tournament in Lake Geneva WI, Jim met another Illinoisan, Jim McKinney, who agreed to help Jim earn the last 3.25 gold needed to become a Life Master. At the November Louisville Kentucky Regional, Jim picked up partner John Bodish from Michigan and played with Jim McKinney and Marilyn Croft and earned 13.45 gold points along with seven red points to become a Life Master. Jim said he is now needs only more five points to become a Bronze Life Master.
Jim’s time spent, when not playing bridge, include holding the elected office of Township Assessor for Serena and Freedom Townships and is the current President of the Son’s of Norway, a non-for-profit international club. Congratulations Jim on becoming a Life Master.
New Junior Master: Nancy Esterl, Freeport; Dororthy Schoonover, Cherry Valley; John Schoonover, Cherry Valley; Chris Sergel, Crystal Lake; Ellen Trimberger, Aurora; George Jauch, St. Charles; Paula Jauch, St Charles.
New Club Masters: Jeff Duckworth St. Charles; Sue McMillin, Rockford; Ann Martin, Oregon; Marianne McWilliams, Aurora.
New Sectional Master: Fran Frey, Rockford; Michael Moore, Rockford; Jackie Shair, Rockford; Lois Bodach, Cherry Valley; Wayne Winkelman. Placida FL.
New Regional Master: Daniel King, Rockford; Mary Jane Schindler, Rockford
New Life Masters: Richard Gunderson, Earlville.
New Bronze Life Masters: Tara Mufich, Rockford; Janet Brandt, Elgin
Early Spring Silver Sectional
March 7th – 9th
The Elgin Centre
100 Symphony Way, Elgin IL
Tournament Chairpersons:
Karen Anderson
Julie Kelley
Partnership Chair: Robert Quintin