Still looking for the perfect gift for your friends and relatives who play bridge (or who would like to learn)? Here are some ideas:
Learn to Play Bridge I & II are two self-teaching software programs that make great stocking stuffers for anyone who wants an easy introduction to the basics. Best of all, both are totally free from ACBL. You can download them from the link above (both setup programs fit onto one CD) and give copies to everyone on your list. Print out a copies of ACBL's quick-start How to Play Bridge page to go with your gifts.
The New York Times 2006 Bridge Calendar is a popular choice for players of all skill levels. It's a 112-page, spiral-bound weekly engagement calendar with clear plastic covers. Each of the 53 weeks features a world-class bridge hand with analysis by the late Alan Truscott.
Official Encyclopedia of Bridge is the bridge reference book. It's packed with information on conventions, card combinations, bridge terms, biographies, history and everything else you might ever want to know about bridge. This is the 6th edition, published in 2002. Hardcover, 1000 pages.
Bridge Baron 17 is the newest update of one of the top-rated and most skilled bid-and-play software programs on the market. It features seven sophisticated levels of play, plus a deal generator, double-dummy solver, ACBL tournament deals, challenge hands, flow-chart bidding tutorials and a wide range of conventions. Winner of five World Computer Bridge Championships. Available for Windows and Mac.
You'll find lots of other gift suggestions on these shopping pages just for bridge players:
Karen's Bridge Library Bookstore features short reviews of recommended bridge books, along with an updated listing of the newest books and software (published in late 2005 and 2006). Books are grouped by skill level and can be purchased at discounted prices from by following the links.
The Holiday Shopping Page on the above site offers ideas and links for a wide range of bridge-themed gifts, including clothing, jewelry, bakeware and glassware, party accessories, software packages, electronic games, magazine subscriptions and other specialty gifts.
Great Bridge Links has put together a full directory of specialty products and online shopping sites for bridge players. You'll find links to unusual and hard-to-find gifts here, along with some special discounts.