News from Central Illinois Unit 208 Editor:
Karen Walker, 2121 Lynwood Drive, Champaign 61821 |
Unit BoardDo you have a suggestion for ways to improve bridge in Central Illinois? The volunteers on our Unit 208 Board of Directors welcome your ideas and are happy to answer questions. Please feel free to contact the officers or the Board representatives from your area: President: Chuck Zalar Vice-President: Pat Moos Secretary-Treasurer: Carole Sholes Peoria Area: Camilla Rabjohns Western Illinois: Ron Greek Springfield Area:
Liz Zalar Decatur Area:
Peg McLaughlin Bloomington Area:
Floyd Sherry Champaign-Danville Area:
Dennis Fitton Charleston-Mattoon Area: Leo Comerford "Last-chance" North American Pair club-qualifying gamesBloomington -- Gayl West Club & Mike's Bridge Club Saturday, August 21 (11:45 am, Westminster Village) -- Open Stratified Thursday, August 26 (11:45 am, Knights of Columbus) -- Open Stratified Monday, August 30 (11:45 am, First Christian Church) -- Open Stratified Tuesday, August 31 (6:15 pm, Heartland College) -- Open Stratified Champaign -- Bridge at Ginger Creek Friday, August 27 (7:00) -- Open Stratified Springfield -- Bridge Center of Springfield Wednesday, August 25 (12:30 pm) -- Open Stratified Friday, August 27 (12:30 pm) -- Open Stratified
Monday, August 30 (6:30 pm) -- Open Stratified and Flight C (0-500) Galesburg -- Community Room, Sandburg Mall Ron Greek Monday, August 23 (12:30 pm) -- Open Stratified Congratulations . . . to John Maloney of Urbana and Carl Brueckner of Champaign, who scored 69.70 percent and placed 15th out of more than 4700 pairs in the Worldwide Bridge Contest held on Friday evening, June 4. They played at the Bridge at Ginger Creek club in Champaign. Results and links to hand records and analyses are here. And you thought computer hands were wild?How about this people-dealt hand from the Monday, July 5 game at Bridge at Ginger Creek in Champaign? West was dealt ♠AKQJxx ♥AKQ10xxx ♦Void ♣Void. At most tables, this hand opened 2C or 7H. At others, RHO opened 1D. Partner had was 6-6 in the minors with one small spade and no hearts (of course!). In practice, 7S is probably the better contract if you don't get a trump lead (you can ruff a heart with dummy's singleton spade), but the splits were friendly in both suits, so 7H or 7S makes. Still, only five of the nine tables bid and made a grand slam. Among the six different results for East-West were a minus 100 and a plus 510 (4 of a major making 7). The top score (+1770) went to the two pairs who managed to get doubled in the grand slam. The table results are here (Board 27): Movin' Up: Congratulations to these Unit members who recently advanced in rank:
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