Aug 17-23 GATEWAY TO THE WEST REGIONAL, St. Louis MO 28-30 Terre Haute IN Sectional, Indiana University OE
Sep 04-06 Irvin Cobb Sectional, Robert Cherry Conv. Center, Paducah IL 04-06 End o' Summer Sectional, Hult Health Center, Peoria IL 09 ACBLwide Instant Matchpoint game, Local clubs 11-13 Rockford IL Sectional, Clock Tower Inn 16 Senior Olympics Bridge Tournament, Civic Center, Jerome IL (Ron Sholes) 21-27 FALL FESTIVAL REGIONAL, Grand Wayne Center, Fort Wayne IN
Oct 01-31 Club Appreciation Month club championships, Local clubs 02-04 See the Leaves Sectional, Eagles Club, Riverton IL 16-18 St. Charles MO Sectional, Blanchette Park 16-18 Northern Indiana Sectional, Portage IN 19-25 CENTRAL STATES REGIONAL, Grand Geneva Resort, Geneva WI 31-Nov. 1 Fall at the Spa Sectional, Original Springs Hotel, Okawville IL
Nov 02-08 District 8 Sectional-at-Clubs, Local clubs 07-08 Fall Bridge Weekend, Champaign IL 14-15 District 8 North American Pair finals, Eagles Club, Riverton IL
Complete schedule of ACBL tournaments: http://www.acbl.org
District 8 homepage: district8acbl.com
District 8 Tournament Coordinator: Chris Patrias 515 Chesapeake Court, St. Charles MO 63303 Phone: 636-928-8610