Bridge at Ginger Creek, Champaign IL
Advance your game to the next level:
A full weekend of workshops and duplicate games to help you tune up your partnership agreements, improve your play skills and think like an expert.
Program Friday, October 3, 2008 7:00 pm -- Duplicate game -- Individual movement (optional). Saturday, October 4, 2008
9:30 am -- Coffee and pastries Sunday, October 5, 2008
am -- Breakfast Tips and techniques for advanced -- and advancing -- players. Lessons will be presented by Karen Walker. The focus will be on developing advanced bidding judgment and play skills, but the workshops and discussions will feature ideas that can benefit a wide range of experience levels, from bright beginners to long-time Life Masters. Win masterpoints, too. The Saturday and Sunday duplicate games offer full sectional rating (black points) and will include instructional hands to illustrate at-the-table uses of the workshop tips. The two-day workshop fee also includes an entry in the Individual duplicate game on Friday night (club championship rating). Advance notice is needed if you plan to play on Friday night. Sign up with your partner or join as a single. Partners will be available. The workshops will feature concepts can be applied in any partnership and any system, along with tips for improving individual decisions. If your favorite partner(s) can't attend, you can bring home the ideas and Partnership Bidding Workbook and use them in discussions with all your partners. Fee: $75 per person ($50 for students age 25 and under), which includes:
One-day registrations are also available: $40 for Saturday or $50 for Sunday. |
Questions? |
To sign up: Fill out this form (or a facsimile) and send with your check to Karen Walker, 2121 Lynwood Dr., Champaign IL 61821. Please reserve by September 24.
Registration for Fall Bridge Weekend -- October 4 & 5, 2008 -- Champaign IL
Name No. of masterpoints:
Phone Email
Enclosed: ___ $75 for the full weekend or ___ $40 for Saturday or ____$50 for Sunday
Do you need a partner for Saturday & Sunday? NO YES (Partner's name: ____________________________) NOT SURE
Will you be playing in the Friday-night Individual? NO YES