Bridge at Ginger Creek, Champaign IL
Advance your game to the next level:
A full weekend of workshops and Silver Point games to help you improve communication with partner, brush up your play skills and think like an expert.
Program Saturday, November 3 10
am -- Bidding Workshop: The seven deadly sins of partnership bidding Sunday, November 4 10:00
am -- Continental breakfast Tips and techniques for advanced -- and advancing -- players. Lessons will be presented by Karen Walker. The focus will be on developing advanced bidding and play skills, but the workshops and discussions will feature ideas that can benefit a wide range of experience levels, from bright beginners to long-time Life Masters. Win Silver Points, too. Both duplicate games will award sectional-rated Silver Points to winners and runners-up. The games are part of District 8's Sectional-at-Clubs Tournament, which offers the opportunity to win District-wide overall awards (up to 10 Silver Points each session). Sign up with your partner or join as a single. Partners will be available. Fee: $75 per person ($50 for students age 25 and under), which includes:
One-day registrations are also offered: $40 for Saturday or $50 for Sunday. |
Questions? |
Bridge at Ginger Creek is in the Ginger Creek Shops at 2901 W. Springfield (Springfield Ave. & Duncan Road), Champaign. MAP
To sign up: Fill out this form (or a facsimile) and send with your check to Karen Walker, 2121 Lynwood Dr., Champaign IL 61821. Please reserve by October 20.
Registration for Fall Bridge Weekend -- November 3 & 4, Champaign IL
Name No. of masterpoints:
Phone Email
Enclosed: ___ $75 for the full weekend or ___ $40 for Saturday or ____$50 for Sunday
Do you need a partner? YES NO (Partner's name: _______________________) NOT SURE