ACBL Director's Report

       by Georgia Heth, Morton IL

       District 8 Representative on the ACBL Board of Directors

The United States Bridge Federation (USBF) is the organization that chooses teams to represent USA in World Bridge Federation championships.

Even if you aren't interested in playing in USBF events, you can aid our international teams and be involved in the USBF's work though a Supporting Membership.

As a Supporting Member, you are eligible to:

1. Enter the fantasy brackets, run on Bridge Winners, for the USBF trials that select our Open and Senior teams for the World Championships. The highest-ranking Supporting Member in the fantasy brackets for each of these two events will win the prize of his or her choice -- either an online match against the USBC winners or dinner with them at the next NABC.

2. Receive daily emails during the USBF Championships. These will summarize the previous day’s results, provide Vugraph information and include links to daily bulletins with photos and commentary on individual hands.

3. Upon advanced request, make arrangements to kibitz a USBF member of your choice for a session once each year – either at an NABC or the USBF Championships.

4. Upon advanced request, we will arrange for you to be one of the Vugraph commentators for one session of the team trials.

A Supporting Membership is $25 for one year ($75 for 3 years). ACBL now offers you the opportunity to become an USBF Supporting Member when you renew your ACBL membership. If you don’t want to wait that long, you can join by clicking the red "Donate to USBF Now" button on the USBF website -- .

Your donation will be used to cover inevitable expenses:  tournament directors, insurance, WBF dues, Vugraph operation, website support services and legal and accounting fees. The USBF is an all-volunteer organization. Our meetings are held by conference call and at national tournaments. Board members and the organization’s officers are not compensated for meetings, travel or hotel expenses.

We hope you will join us.  

If you have questions or suggestions about ACBL Board actions or other bridge matters, please contact me at or 917 S. Main St., Morton IL  61550-2419.