Get your team together for the     

District 8 Grand National Teams

April 28 & 29, 2018

Public Library, 1 Community Drive, Rochester IL 

 Saturday, April 28:  1:00 pm & TBA  -- Flights A & B

 Sunday, April 29:     10:30 am  -- Open & Flight C
                                                       --  A & B semi-finals and finals     


The Open and Flight C events will be one day only (Sunday). Depending on how many teams are entered in Flights A and B, these events may be completed in one day (Saturday) or continue on Sunday.

Please note the new dates. The event was originally scheduled for May 5-6, but was changed because of site availability.

Trips to Atlanta GA -- and regional-rated gold points -- are offered in the 2018 District 8 finals of this national team event. Any team of four, five or six District 8 members can enter in one of four separate flights.

Open championship:  Unlimited

Flight A:   0-6000 masterpoints

Flight B:   0-2500

Flight C:   0-500 (non-Life Masters)

The winning team in each flight will receive a travel award (a minimum of $1000 per team) from the District 8 Board to play in the national finals in Atlanta in July.

Your flight eligibility is determined by the number of masterpoints you held on September 1, 2017. You must be a paid-up member of ACBL to enter.


Open flight:  One day only (Sunday). Straight KO or two-session round-robin and KO.

A & B flights:  Qualifying round on Saturday. Finals and semi-finals on Sunday if needed. Four or fewer teams in a flight will be a straight KO; 5-7 teams will be three sessions (Swiss qualifying on Saturday; KO on Sunday); 8+ teams will be four sessions. 

Flight C:  One day only (Sunday). Two-session Swiss teams.

Directions: The Community Library is in Rochester IL, about 8 miles southeast of Springfield. From Highway 29 (Illinois Avenue), turn north on Cardinal Hill Road, then take the first left (Community Drive).

Reservations requested:  Please notify GNT Coordinator Georgia Heth by phone (573-999-5969) or email ( if you plan to play. In your email, include the names of your team members and indicate which flight you'll be entering.