Greater St. Louis Bridge News

News from Greater St. Louis Unit 143

Editor:  Sheryl Finkenstadt, St. Louis MO

“Eight ever, nine never -- the status quo when you raise 2NT to 3NT.”

“Rule of 11 -- the inevitable trick total when you bid a small slam.”

“There was a man who entered the local newspaper's pun contest. He sent in ten different puns,
in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.”

 April Fool!  Remember, it’s only a game. It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose – it only matters whether I win or lose.

Novice/LM Champs

The Novice/Life Master game held at Bridge Haven on February 19 enjoyed 20 tables. The ACBL Junior Fund received $80, and the Youth Bridge Camp gained $200.

Some players decided to BYOLM (Bring your own Life Master) or BYON  (Bring your own Novice). Others were paired up. Said club director Phyllis Siegel: “Special thanks to my Life Masters who were eager to share their knowledge and play with a novice. Special thanks to all my director friends in St. Louis who were there to help when I had a challenge.” 

Congratulations to Mary Dolan and Debra Romero (photo), overall winners, and first place in E-W. Second place in E-W was earned by Sandy and Gloria Spitzer. Congratulations to Mark Ziegelman and Jeane Redington, first place in N-S. Second place in N-S was Carolyn Andrews and Jay Shah. Way to go! 


A champagne party at Bridge Haven honored 17 players who attained ranks of Life Master or higher in 2011.

Life Masters: Dan Spangler, Richard Maxedon, Rosemary
Bamberg, Nancy Keefer, Mike Vontz, Cathy Pretsch

Bronze Life Masters:
Dan Spangler & Janet Vontz   

Diamond Life Master:
Sue Perez


Silver Life Masters:
Don Chase, Maggie Bauman, Jay Shah

Gold Life Masters: Marvin King,
Jack & Gail Hawkins, Mark Boswell 

Grand Life Master:
Tom Kniest

199er Championship

The 199er Championship Tournament on March 31, 2012 offered two single-session events, open to any player with fewer than 200 ACBL Masterpoints. The morning session was maxed out for the room capacity of 40 tables. Tournament Chair Lee Hastings thanked his tournament colleagues, Jo Ann Moore and Jay Shah, for their support. Lee also had nothing but praise for the Director in Charge, Donna Coker, who orchestrated the event with brisk, friendly efficiency. The winners were:

Morning session (40 tables):  Katie Klinger & Shirley Ringland were first overall, with a 67.68% game. Rose Somraty & Ann Lazerson tied with Marie & Charles Bretzke for second & third overall with 61.19%.

Evening session (22.5 tables): Virginia Lang & Patricia Lloyd tied with Gloria & James Zuppanci  for first and second place overall with a 63.49%.

BIG game!

Susanne Martin and Judy Snider (left) were ecstatic! They had just posted 80.68% in the Sunday-afternoon game at Bridge Haven. Congratulations, ladies! 

In case you were wondering about the phenomenon of posting a stratospheric 70% or more, an analysis by Gabe Azzam using the data posted on the Unit’s website, shows some interesting facts:

The DISTRIBUTION of 70+% games is fairly evenly distributed among most of the club locations. For instance, Occidental hosts 6 games (21% of the 28 club games per week) and holds 22% of the plus-70% games; Ollivette hosts 5 games (18%) and posts 22% of the big games; Lake St Louis holds one game (4%) and enjoys 10% of the coveted 70% games. The incidence of 70% games at Bridge Haven is a bit below the incidence at other locations; Bridge Haven hosts about 10 regular games per week (36%) but has only 30% of the 70%ers.

SIZE OF GAMES:  One other way to massage the data is to consider the size of the games. If we consider that Occidental and Olivette and Lake St Louis have large games/sections, meaning nine or more tables per section, and that all the other games in the unit are usually less than 9 tables, Gabe came up with the following conclusions: large games have a ratio of about 4 top games per section over the time frame considered, whereas small games have a ratio of about 3. So, it is more likely to have a top score of over 70% in large games (9+ tables), than in small games.

PEOPLE WHO WIN: When you look at the people who have won these 70% games, you see familiar names that keep popping up. Comments Gabe, “Those winners win no matter what the competition is, and no matter which club they play in.”

Advances in rank

Unit 143 now has 1179 members: about 54% below 100 masterpoints, 17% above 100 MPs but not yet life masters, 25% life masters who are not yet gold LM, and 4% gold LM or above. Well-deserved congratulations go to the following players who advanced in rank between Feb 1 and  April 1, 2011.

New Junior Masters                       
Patricia Ahrens

Marylee Beuerle                 

James Bishop

Kristopher Bishop

Ellen Horan

Jane R Mitchell                 

Fran Orlando

Jeff Pass

Phillip Sand

Audrey Shanfield

Barrett W Taussig               

Courtney Wilderman


New Club Masters
Carl Bolz

Dale Burian

David Dierkes

Mary Horwitz

Michael G Richter

Shelley Sarver

Dottie Schmidt

Judy B Snider

Laurie Stern


New Sectional Masters 
Gail Bunce

Nancy Burke

Marda A Gatewood

Patricia G Koncki

Augustyn J Ortynski

Marilyn R Stoces

 New Regional Masters 

Alan Broddon

Lannon H Corley

Dianne Mardis

Roberta F Millham

Mark Prosser

Joyce Sass

New NABC Masters 

Dennis Abel

Ralph Britton

Susie S Hall

Sandra L Mein

James Voelz

New Life Master

Jay Bourne


New Bronze Life Master
Mary Leach


New Silver Life Master

Nancy Cadwell

George Hawley


New Diamond Life Master

Bob Bainter

Upcoming tournaments

April 14, 2012 -- St Louis KOs. Winners to represent St. Louis against Kansas City at the June sectional in Columbia MO.

May 18-20, 2012 --  Sectional

Friday, June 1 -- Worldwide Bridge Contest held at Bridge Haven.

Saturday, June 2 – Worldwide Bridge Contest, held at both Olivette and Bridgehaven.

August 6-12, 2012 -- St. Louis Regional

September 22, 2012 -- 199er Championship (need not be a unit 143 member)

October 19-21, 2012 -- Fall Sectional