Counselors needed:

No bridge experience necessary. Counselors receive a stipend.

For information, contact Chris or Mary Shaw:    217-825-7248 or 217-854-7331

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Youth Bridge Education Organization presents


Sunday, June 24 – Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lake Williamson Christian Center

Carlinville IL

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A residential camp for students entering grades 6 through 10 in Fall 2012

Join us for seven fun-packed days featuring:

 Play-as-you-learn bridge lessons for beginner, intermediate and advanced players

 Bridge tournaments with official masterpoint awards
from the American Contract Bridge League

  Swimming, boating and water sports on Lake Williamson

 Volleyball, racquetball, mini-golf, cookouts, campfires and more

Cost:  $293

For an application, contact Amy and Steve, Camp Registrars:     314-481-1838

For more information, contact Mary Lattan-Shaw, Coordinator:     217-825-7248 (cell)     217-854-7331 (home)

Lake Williamson is three miles south of Carlinville on Route 4, between St. Louis MO and Springfield IL.

Take a tour:         MAP with link for driving directions